
Tips to Stop Arguing About Chores at Home

Tips to Stop Arguing About Chores at Home

Have you ever wondered, “How can I get my spouse to do more work around the house?” You are not alone. Here are tips to help you stop arguing over chores at home Dr. Julie Hanks shared on Good Morning Utah.

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Fowler’s Stages of Faith: 6 Stages of Faith Development

Fowler’s Stages of Faith: 6 Stages of Faith Development

James Fowler developed a theory of six stages that people go through as their faith matures. The basic theory, known as Fowler’s Stages of Faith, can be applied, not only to those in traditional faiths, but those who follow alternative spiritualities or secular worldviews as well.

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Opinion: Mother’s Day is painful for many of my clients. Here’s how we all can help—Op-ed for The Salt Lake Tribune
Motherhood, Mother's Day, Women's Issues, Guest Posts Dr. Julie Hanks Motherhood, Mother's Day, Women's Issues, Guest Posts Dr. Julie Hanks

Opinion: Mother’s Day is painful for many of my clients. Here’s how we all can help—Op-ed for The Salt Lake Tribune

Why do so many women dread Mother’s Day? What are we doing inadvertently, as a community, to perpetuate this pain? And what can we do about it?

Based on my 30 years of clinical experience working with women in Utah, I have a few ideas.

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Healing Aspirational Shame: One Mormon Woman's Journey

Healing Aspirational Shame: One Mormon Woman's Journey

It wasn’t until my early teens that I recognized the dilemma that I was facing. I wanted a lot for my life, for my career, for my creative expression. I knew that I wanted to pursue a helping profession and that I wanted to express myself through songwriting and singing. But because I had internalized the message that a woman’s role was to sacrifice for her family, I started believing that my aspirations were not good, and not of God. I was hearing that God wanted me to be a wife and a mother, and I knew that that was true, but I wanted other things for my life, too. I began to wonder and eventually believe that something was wrong with me for having such strong creative desires and educational and professional aspirations. Did I have to choose between having a family and having a career?

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Resources for Overcoming Mom Guilt: How do I stop feeling guilty?
Motherhood, Mom Guilt DJH Team Motherhood, Mom Guilt DJH Team

Resources for Overcoming Mom Guilt: How do I stop feeling guilty?

A common struggle I see among moms is mom guilt. I’ve seen mothers worry that they aren’t spending enough time with their children, aren’t cooking enough, aren’t folding enough laundry, or aren’t worthy of self-care. If you’re a mom struggling with mom guilt, bookmark this post and refer to it often because it’s full of resources to help you stop feeling guilty as a mother.

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