Ask Julie: How Do I Open up Emotionally to my Therapist?

[dropcap]Q:[/dropcap] How do I open up to my therapist? I am constantly worried that he might think I'm trying to get attention. I have an eating disorder, and I'm slightly overweight (according to my BMI). I'm just not able to be truly open and honest. He really is a great therapist, and I have a deeper connection with him than most others in my life. I have these feelings outside of therapy, but when I go in, I put on a face that everything is ok. How do I work on this to communicate better?[dropcap]A:[/dropcap] Great question! The emotional pattern of guarding your feelings is likely part of the reason you're in therapy in the first place. I think the first step is to tell you're therapist that you're having a hard time opening up! Watch the video for complete answer.Take good care of yourself!Julie Hanks, LCSW


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